Family tree

Krizsán János
Krizsán János
Divald Franciska
Krizsán János
Lapu Erzsébet
Mecing Vlada
Divald Angela
Krizsán Tomás
Kruska Rozsa
Mecing Vlada
Divald Ivan
Rákos Rozina
                            Rákos Ivan Spaniot Rozina
My father had a brother Krizsán István who has daughter Zsuzsa and soon Eduard and they all live in Újvidék. Divald Angela had a sister Anica and brother Ivan. Her father Divald Ivan who lived in Slankamen, had a brother Divald Antun who had daughter Ruzica and soon Puda and he lived in Vinkovci. Rákos Rozina had a sister Rákos Ana. Rákos Ivan had a brother Rákos Vlada. According to my grandmother her grandfather Rákos Ivan had been some nobleman who had a fight with king and therefore he had been forced to live Budapest and settle in Szerémség. She claims that she had papers to support that story until the World War II when she lost them when partisans stole her house and burned all the books and documentation that they found in the house. She remembers when she as a child went with her grandfather to Budapest that he had shown her a street that had been named after their ancestor.


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