At the April of 1997 I started project proposal for joint Romanian-Yugoslavian co-operation that was accepted from Conf.Dr.Ing. Corneliu Davidescu, dean of Universitatea "Politehnica" Timisoara. Responsible person is of course my professor Mirjana Vojinovic-Miloradov since I am not qualified for that. After reception of the letter in which Conf.Dr.Ing. Corneliu Davidescu officially accepted to be Romanian partner on "EVALUATION OF THE WATER QUALITY ON THE INTERNATIONAL ROMANIAN-YUGOSLAV RIVERS" project, my professor Mirjana Vojinovic-Miloradov told me that she does not want to be responsible person and that responsible person for that project will be deputy minister for science development and environmental protection in government of FR Yugoslavia Prof. Dr. Zoran Cukic. I had called Prof. Cukic on the telephone and asked him what will happen with me and my participation in the project since I started it, the whole idea was mine and I found the partner in Romania. Professor Cukic told me in brief telephone conversation not to have high hopes since there are some professors who had "similar idea" as mine! As far as I know I am the only person who deals in Yugoslavia with the application of multiobjective optimisation in water and air quality evaluation. It seams to me that they needed a partner in Romania so that Yugoslavian institutions could make a break through in the international scene, now when they have it, they do not need me any more. In September 1997 I had given up hope that I will ever going to be paid for my work and I stopped going to TEMPUS center.
On Thursday, April 23rd 1998 I had an unexpected - two hours long -
conversation with Prof. Dr. Zoran Cukic. He tried to convince me to
proceed working for Miloradov couple, but of course for free. He also
said that implementation of multiobjective optimization is too
sophisticated (hi - tech) for Romanians. Prof. Dr. Zoran Cukic smartly
avoided to give me an answer on my question: "Why other students can be
paid but I can’t?" instead he suggested me that if I want money I
should go and sell smuggled American cigarettes on the street corner.
It was quite offensive remark from him, completely inappropriate for
somebody who is deputy minister for science development and
environmental protection in government of FR Yugoslavia.
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